12 Reasons Why A Storage Unit Would Make A Great Gift

What’s the very first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about storage units? If you’re like most people, you probably think of a storage units as a place for storing the things you don’t have room at home for but also don’t want to part with. But have you ever thought of gifting a storage unit to someone?

storage unit

Why a Storage Unit Makes a Great Gift

A lot of people have the misconception that the storage unit is only used for storing furniture and knick knacks, but there are so many other things you can do with a storage unit. This versatility is part of what makes a storage unit the perfect gift for just about anyone on your list.

If your friend or a relative is ambitious and has a hobby but does not have enough space to execute their plans and devote time towards their hobbies, then self-storage units can be the ultimate gift. And those friends and family members that already have everything or are just hard to shop for? A storage unit can help you give them a unique, intangible gift that can’t be bought off of a store shelf – and something they may be longing for.

Here’s 13 unique and special gifts you can give in the form of a storage unit:

man cutting out leather

1. A Space for Creativity

A storage space makes the perfect gift for the artist or crafter in your life. Gift them a space where they can set up a table and spread out their beads, fabric, or art supplies and without having to pick everything up and put it away each time they take a break.

2. A Quiet Office Space

We all have that friend and wants to start his own business but at the same time does not have enough space at their home to start it or does not have enough budget to buy an office. If this is the case, then you can buy your friend a storage unit.

woman doing yoga in an empty spacious space

3. A Space to Zen Out

Giving the gift of a storage unit to a friend or family member that loves yoga or meditation (or could use some stress-relief!) is like giving them their own private oasis. The right size storage unit should have ample space for a yoga mat with enough room on for them to also stretch their arms our side-to-side.

gardening tools/equipment

4. A Winter Home for their Gardening Equipment 

A person who loves gardening likely has (or would like to have) a variety of specific and oddly-shaped/bulky tools and supplies on hand so that they have everything they need to tend to their garden or plants. A storage unit will allow them to store all of their equipment in out of the way when they’re not using it.

Or, if they’re an apartment balcony gardener, having a storage space would help them maximize their outdoor space at home while giving them enough room in storage to stock up on flower pots, tools, and extra potting soil.

5. A Home-Away-from-Home Gym

Fitness equipment like a treadmill, elliptical, or rowing machine can take up a lot of space – space that your loved one might not have at home. Give them a space to pump iron, stash their pilates equipment, or, if the storage facility allows, plug in and use their larger pieces of fitness equipment.

different colors of luggages

6. Peace of Mind for the Frequent Traveler

Everyone has that friend who is always traveling to someplace or another throughout the year. The frequent traveler may be worried about leaving certain possessions unattended at home while they are away. Or when they are home, they may struggle to find adequate space to store their luggage.

Gifting a storage unit to your friend will allow them to store things offsite while their home is unattended, and provide the perfect place for their suitcases to rest until the next adventure.

7. Storage Space for Sentimental Items

It’s not easy to let go of the things we possess that belong to our loved ones. But if you know someone who has a lot of sentimental items taking up space in their garage, attic etc, a storage unit could be the perfect gift.

house with a lot of space

8. More Space at Home

These days, people buy and store a lot more than they used to. Maybe you know someone who buys in bulk to get the best deal like it’s a sport! But they might not always have room at home to store all those savings.

If you can’t give your bulk-buying friend the gift of a larger garage, consider gifting them a storage unit to stash their backstock, or anything else taking up room that they don’t immediately need on hand.

9. Room to Breathe During a Renovation

Remodeling a home is stressful can be stressful, and shuffling furniture and belongings out of one room and into another can be one of the most stressful things about it. If you have a friend starting or in the midst of a home renovation, a storage unit is a welcome gift that will help them feel organized and give them a sense of calm in the chaos.

bookshelf shaped like a man's head

10. A Place for More Books

A storage unit can be a great place for avid readers to store their books and magazines to clear space at home for the new ones coming in. It could even become a private library and reading room if your recipient is lacking the appropriate space and solitude at home.

11. A Space for their Side Hustle

We all have that ambitious friend who wants to start their own business or already has one going on the side. When they’re just starting out (or are involved in multiple business ventures), they may not have enough space at home to get started or enough room in their budget to rent an office.

If this is the case, renting a storage unit for your friend will give them some extra space to store their inventory or equipment or file and organize important documents and papers. It will also help them be able to relax at home by having their work space and equipment at a separate location.

storage unit

12. A Secret Hiding Place

Nothing beats a storage unit at Christmas time to hide gifts from would-be peekers. Getting one for yourself is a no-brainer come December, but consider renting a storage unit for the generous people on your gift list who love to shop for others.

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

13 Top Tips for Organizing Pet Supplies

Fur babies come with so many positives, like unconditional love and great listening skills. But their fur, food, and toys can get out of hand and become one big negative mess without a plan to keep these pet supplies organized.

Having a pet can sometimes make staying organized a challenge. If you’ve tried to organize everything but it always seems to get out of order, or even if you’re planning to organize but don’t have enough ideas, then you’re at the right place. Read on for 13 of the best tips to help you organize pet supplies.

assorted pet accessories

1. Try a Wall-Mounted Pet Accessory Organizer

Having a wall-mounted pet accessory organizer is perfect for outdoor pet accessories like extra collars and leashes, replacement potty bag rolls, and a raincoat if your dog wears one. Having supplies at hand by the door when you come and go can also help keep your floor clear of any debris that fido might track in. In order to avoid muddy paw prints on your floor and furniture, hang a towel on your wall rack too so that you can use it to wipe your dog’s feet after playing in the rain.

man feeding a dog

2. Designate a Food Station

Designate a cupboard, shelf, or basket for your pet’s food station where you can keep all the food supplies like any bowls and a can opener, their wet or dry food and treats, and any vitamins or medications your pet takes with meals. If you can, set up a placemat or bowl stand on the floor nearby to keep their eating and any resulting mess corralled to one small area of the house.

3. Make Your Furniture Pet Proof

Spotting pet hair on the sofa or easy chair every time you sit down is something most of us pet owners are familiar with. And if, like most pet owners, you’re sick of picking it off the furniture all the time, then you need to make your furniture pets proof.

There can be various ways to go about this, but one of the best ways is to use covers. The covers can be of various materials, and you should always go for pet friendly materials – which may include leather. Why leather? Because it’s easy to clean and doesn’t attract hair like softer fibers.

pet foods in a rack

4. Reserve a Shelf or Cabinet for Everyday Items

In case you do not have enough space near your entry door to place a wall-mounted pet accessory organizer, then you can devote a separate shelf or cabinet at your place to keep all the everyday items that your pet may require at some point or the other.

If you already have the wall space for a wall rack or another area where you can keep pet supplies, perhaps use a small section of your cupboard to keep backups. For instance, if you took your dog to the nearby park and forgot one of their favorite toys there, then you can rely on the backup that you have.

5. Use a Basket to Keep Grooming Supplies Together

Grooming plays a very important role in pet ownership, and can even be therapeutic for both of you. Having everything on hand in one place can make grooming easier for all pets and humans involved. Keeping bows, brushes, and other grooming accessories in one bin will also help corral any stray hairs that stick to these items.

6. Label Food Jars

If your pet has different kinds of foods in the morning and the evening, or if certain foods are only given on certain days of the week, try grouping these items according to their feeding schedule to make feeding time easy.

If you can label the shelf or bin where you’re keeping each type of food, this helpful extra step will set your mind at ease should someone else need to care for your pet while you’re away.


7. Create a Shopping Checklist for Your Pet

These checklists can be made according to your schedule and needs, whether you prefer buying pet supplies one a week, once a month, or whenever. Just like when shopping for yourself, using a checklist to shop for your pet’s food and supplies will help you make sure not to forget anything.

Also, by keeping a record of these checklists you can get a rough idea of how long the food you buy usually lasts your pet. This can help you plan your budget or know how much to buy when there’s a good sale.

8. Assign Feeding Stations

Have you ever crushed a piece of kitty kibble into the carpet or have land behind the couch instead of in your dog’s mouth? If you answered yes to either of these, then you know that sometimes pets + food = mess.

To keep pet food messes few and far between, try designating a space for a feeding station where your pet can enjoy their meals. The kitchen usually works best since the floor lends itself to easier cleaning.

PRO TIP- Create the feeding station near the place that you use for storing food supplies.

dog inside a bag

9. Keep Supplies for Long Trips In a Ready-To-Go Bag

A relaxing getaway can suddenly become stressful when you realize you forgot Fido’s harness or collapsible water bowl. Keep an extra supply of necessary items in a convenient overnight bag so that you have everything your pet normally needs all ready to go. This way, you don’t have to worry about packing your pet’s everyday items too early or remembering to grab them the morning you leave.

PRO TIP – Trips to unknown places can make pets uneasy. Keep a pouch of their favorite treats on hand in the car in case a little training or comforting is necessary when venturing in unfamiliar territory.

10. Keep Bathing Supplies in the Bathroom

If your pet doesn’t like to take bath and is always looking for chances to escape then this tip is for you! Running here and there looking for shampoos and scrubbers takes time, and leaves plenty of opportunity for wet pets to wriggle out of the tub. Keeping these pet supplies together in a small, waterproof caddy means you’ll have everything at hand so you can keep an eye on your pet at all times.

11. Schedule Some Time for Your Pet

Sometimes we get so engrossed in our everyday chores that we have to cut our pets’ walks or playtime short (or we might even forget!). But as committed pet owners, we value our pets like family. So, in the same way as you would put your child’s after school activities or coffee with your Mom on the calendar, try penciling in some quality time with your pets.

Having a regular playdate with your pet on your schedule will help make sure that you carve out quality time for them. Keeping this regular commitment with your pet also means that you’ll be using the ball chucker, cat stroller, or whatever recreational equipment you and your pet use on a more frequent basis. In doing so, you can get a better idea of what items might be worn and in need of replacement or which ones you may have one too many of.

12. Store All Toys in One Place

From dogs and cats to little kids and adults, everyone loves to play. And just like a toddler, pets get so excited at the first toy they grab, and then drop it anywhere when they get distracted by something else.

As with very small children, keeping all of your pets toys in one basket or toy box will make cleanup easier for you since everything goes back to the same place. And even easier for your pet if you can get them to master the trick of cleaning up after themselves!

clear envelope

13. Keep Your Pet’s Paperwork Organized in Its Own File

Pet paperwork usually includes a record of the dates on which your pet had routine vaccinations, receipts from any other veterinary visits, and their registration papers. Keep these papers organized in their own file folder or separate accordion file so that you can easily reference when their next vaccine is due or have their license on hand should you need it.

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

9 Tips to Make Profit Flipping Furniture

For those that love the thrill of the hunt, flipping furniture can be a fun way of earning additional income. If you’ve ever thought about flipping furniture, but aren’t sure where to start (or where you would even store your inventory?), then you’re in the right place. Read on for some helpful tips to get you started flipping furniture for cash!

furniture colored moss green

How To Get Started Flipping Furniture

To get started, ask yourself the following questions about the furniture you plan to buy for resale: 

How will you transport it?

Choosing transport depends upon the size of the furniture you plan to buy. This may be limited to the size of the vehicle you have right now. If that’s a small sedan, maybe you get started with chairs, coffee tables, etc.

If you decide that flipping larger pieces of furniture would be more lucrative in your local market, there are plenty of ways to move pieces from where you buy them to where you’re storing them. You can rent a pickup or even a box truck from places like Home Depot or U-Haul, get help from a friend with a truck, or hire help from a service like Task Rabbit.

storage unit for rent

Where will you store it?

Once you have decided what sort of transport system you require, the next step is to look for a perfect space to place the furniture. It could be your basement or garage, but even if you have the extra space, renting a storage unit can be the best way to go. The three main benefits to renting a storage unit for your inventory are

1. Privacy & Safety

Keeping furniture at your house until it sells will likely require you to give out your home address so that potential buyers can come to you to view the items they’re interested in. Storing and selling the furniture at a storage facility can provide a neutral, well-lit meeting place to conduct transactions.

2. Added Security

Most secure storage facilities monitor their property with video surveillance. This not only helps ensure the security of your furniture while it’s at the facility, but also gives you the added security of knowing that if you’re conducting transactions at the facility, both parties will be on camera.

3. Space at Home

If you don’t have a garage, basement, or attic at home, then renting a storage unit for flipping furniture may be a necessity. But even if you do have the space, it’s nice to have some separation between your home life and your side hustle.

man making a chair

Will you repair or refinish it?

If you are looking forward to start flipping furniture, you may be thinking of making quick sales by sourcing pieces that are in great, ready-to-sell condition and moving them as quickly as possible.

But if you’re DIY-er that loves a good project, then buying-less-than perfect pieces at a bargain to repair or refinish for a greater profit might be the way you want to go. If that’s the case, the following items are just some of the basic equipment to have in your reseller’s arsenal.

  • Paint strippers for thick and thin paint
  • Power sander
  • Wood glue
  • Painting and staining supplies (brushes, paint thinner/remover, tray, dropcloth)
  • Staple gun
flea market

The Best Places to Find Furniture to Flip

It might take a while to get into the groove and find your favorite places to reliably source great furniture pieces that sell well for you. Great finds are often had where you least expect them, but here’s a few of the top places to start your search. 

Flea markets

Buying furniture from flea markets can be a great place to get a good bargain but at the same time want something that is of good quality. But if you’re after a particular style or furniture from a certain area, be aware that you’ll need to get there early for the best selection.

Most of the sellers at flea markets are there with a goal of selling all the products that they have brought with them that day – the less they have to pack back up at the end of the day the better. So if you care about price over style, try wheeling and dealing later in the afternoon.


Most of the people these days look for Craigslist to red rid of the furniture that they do not want any longer. You can find great pieces of furniture at craigslist and with a lot of profit margin. Don’t forget to take advantage of the listings in the Free section, or search “curb alert” to take something off someone’s hands at no cost to you.

Garage Sales

Sales are being put up weekly at garages and yards everywhere, and if you live in a temperate climate this might be every weekend all year round. Depending on the item and the owner’s sentimentality or attachment to it, it can be difficult to haggle sometimes. But stick with it and you may also find furniture pieces of good quality that you may not find anywhere else. 

2 comfy chair and a drawer

Pricing: How Much To Re-Sell Your Furniture For

Deciding a price for your furniture depends upon various factors like how long have had it in inventory, the time it took you to repair or refurbish it, the cost of any materials used to do so, the cost of storing it, etc.  You’ll also want to research the pieces you’ve just acquired (or are about to buy) to find comparable sales either in your area or a wider market.

eBay can be a great place to look up comps before deciding to make a purchase; search closed auctions to see if a similar furniture item has ever sold in your area. If you don’t mind shipping and plan to sell nationally, set the filters appropriately and see what’s sold and for how much.

eBay is also a helpful tool when it comes to pricing, because you can see what’s currently in the marketplace and how much others are asking for similar items so that you can plan your pricing strategy accordingly.

flea market for old chairs

The Best Places To Sell Your Furniture

Once you have bought the furniture and refurbished it, now it is time for you to look for the platforms where you can sell your furniture. Here are some of the awesome places that you can refer to.

antiques stores

Antique Stores or Consignment Shops

Check around at your local antique stores. Antique stores are always looking for fresh inventory to sell to the right buyer. If you have the pieces they’re looking for, you could form a great relationship in which they buy from you to resell – a win-win for both of you!

Alternatively, some antique stores may have consignments space where you can sell. You may even have a local co-op in your area, where different vendors have a “booth” space to display and sell their wares. 


Craigslist is still one of the number one places people look for local furniture deals. Selling on Craigslist will give you great exposure to buyers nearby, without having to worry about shipping or even delivery. (But it you’re willing and able to deliver to your local buyers, this could give you a leg up and help to close the sale.)

eBay or Etsy

If you want to reach a wider audience, and don’t mind dealing with shipping, online platforms like eBay or Etsy can be great places to make a profit flipping furniture.

gray chair with a beige throw pillow and blanket

Your Own Garage

You can make it a garage sale as often as you like at your place! Some people make a full-time living by hosting a yard sale every weekend the weather permits.

PRO TIP: Promoting your furniture on multiple platforms can help your items get more exposure, increasing their likelihood of selling. Just don’t forget to remove it from other platforms once it has sold on one!

Hopefully these tips have given you some solid ideas to start flipping furniture for profit. Being a reseller can be challenging, but often rewarding work. Keep at it, keep exploring, and have fun flipping!

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

7 Tips to Safely Store Couches

Has your living room started to feel cramped lately? Or have you got your eyes set on a stylish, comfy new sofa but don’t know what to do with your old couch? 

Either way, you probably want to clear some space and get your old sofa out of the way. Until you’ve found the right solution for your old sofa, you’ll likely need to store it.

Why Store Couches?

Why not just sell them or throw them out and get rid of the headache entirely? That would make sense if your furniture is altogether beyond use, and you don’t need it all. 

However, if your couch is worth something or it holds sentimental value, you might feel torn between keeping it and giving it away. Perhaps you have a near-adult child that will be ready for their own place in a few years, or a vacation home or cabin is in your family’s future.

In either case, storing it is the perfect solution. You don’t don’t have to get rid of it, and you can get it out of your way, too. 

7 Tips to Safely Store Your Couch

1. Consider Your Storage Options

Storage units come in all shapes and sizes, with different amenities to consider depending on your local climate and the materials your couch is made of.

Think of how big your couch is or how many pieces there are. What are the couch’s dimensions, not just on its own but also with whatever cover or padding you’ll place around it? What other furniture or things will you store along with the couch? All this will help you determine which storage unit size will be best for you. 

Furthermore, you’ll also have to think about the material of your couch and how long you plan to store it. For instance, if you’ve got a leather couch and you’re thinking of more long-term storage, you might want to look into a climate-controlled storage unit. In these units, you can protect your couches from moisture, humidity, and other weather elements.

Other than that, when choosing a storage unit, renting at a facility that is clean and well-maintained can help ensure your couch stays clean, too. 

2. Clean Your Couch

With your storage unit selected, it’s time to prepare your couch to go into storage. 

It’s important to thoroughly clean your couch before storing it away. Depending on the type of couch, use the right tools and cleaners to clean it thoroughly. Most importantly, make sure you dry your furniture completely before storing it – and especially before wrapping it with any protective materials. This will prevent the growth of mold. 

3. Disassemble Your Couch

It’s not much of an issue if you’ve got a small couch, but larger couches can be a big headache to move and transport. Not only are they hard to move, but there’s also a higher chance of damaging them. 

Therefore, it’s in your best interest to try and disassemble it as much as you can. Remove the cushions. Detach the legs. Keep any screws or bolts separately in a labeled bag. The couch will be easier to transport when it has fewer parts.

4. Wrap Your Couch

To keep your couch as safe as possible from damage and deterioration, it’s wise to add another layer of protection. This can be in the form of an additional sheet or blanket over the sofa. If you’re storing other things alongside your couch, the sheet will prevent them from scratching or tearing your couch during the transport. 

However, whatever you do, don’t use a plastic sheet to cover your couch, and more importantly, don’t wrap it too tightly. A plastic sheet won’t let the furniture breathe and can eventually trap moisture and lead to mold. 

You should use a plastic sheet under the couch, though, as an added measure to protect the legs.

5. Position Your Couch Properly

If you’ve got a lot of things to store, you might be tempted to place your couch vertically in the storage unit to make more space. This might even work in the short run, but in the long term, storing a couch like that can damage its inner foam, coils, and the overall shape by putting stress on the frame. 

Not to forget, if it slips and falls, it’ll sustain even more damage. Therefore, it’s always ideal to keep the couch horizontal. Be sure to leave a few inches of space between the couch and wall for airflow.

6. Keep Your Couch Above Ground

Another essential tip to safely store your couch is to keep it off the ground. You can use bricks, pallets, or even a simple plastic sheet, as mentioned earlier, to slightly raise it above ground.

7. Don’t Stack Heavy Things On Top of Your Couch

Stacking items on the sofa can have a negative effect if left that way for long periods of time, such as when in storage. It can damage your couch and affect its shape. To avoid dents, sagging, and other wear and tear, don’t stack a lot of stuff over it while in storage. 

If you are running out of space in your unit, we would suggest going for the next size up rather than cramming everything in one area and damaging your couch. 

Home furniture, such as a couch, can be hard to let go at times. Whether it’s the memories attached to it or because you paid a lot of money for it, thankfully getting rid of it isn’t the only option for furniture you’re not using right now. 

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

A Handy Guide to Create Space For A Home Office

Whether you permanently work from home, or would simply like a home office for days when you do bring the work home with you, it takes some consideration to select the right space to set up. Finding room for your home office can be as simple as adding a desk and chair to an empty room that is already available, or placing your laptop on a center table and getting to work. However, if you want to make space for a dedicated home office, here are 9 tips that could come in handy.

Spare Room

Let’s start with the most obvious option. If you have a spare room that is not being used at all, or is maybe being used for storage, then it would be the most likely space to set up a home office. If the room is completely empty, you can maximize the space and introduce your interior design skills to make the space your own. The first two things to consider are a moderate desk and a comfortable chair.

Save the embellishments for last and apply them as the space allows; these would include lamps, centerpieces, plaques, calendars, etc. You may think that some of these embellishments are vital to your creative juices, but an overcrowded desk and workspace is likely to restrict your flow as well. 

Unused corner

Sometimes a spare room is not available or simply not an option. However, corners can sometimes be wasted space in a home, but they are also ideal places for aptly shapes space savers and can also be your new home office. This could be a space in your living room, dining room, bedroom, or any other space that has a free corner that wouldn’t be too distracting.

After locating that perfect corner, the next step would be to get a small L-Shaped desk to fit right in. Measure the available space before you start shopping. Try not to get too fancy as this space is likely to be small and you do not want to overcrowd it with an unnecessarily extravagant desk. Try to get a small chair that can be pushed all the way in when not in use so that it doesn’t constantly stick out in the room. It would be best if the chair is adjustable and if an armrest is necessary, try to get one that can also be adjusted to allow the chair to go fully under the table. However, while these features are amicable for the purpose of space-saving and aesthetics, your first consideration should always be comfort. Your chair should offer back support and comfortable padding for your derriere. 


Having an office in your hallway is not exactly space-saving, but when you have no space to begin with, its the perfect solution for a home office. Hallways are often empty except for the occasional pairs of shoes or coat rack. But with a long narrow desk and a small comfortable chair, it can be the perfect place to set up your office space. Try to get a desk with more space going off to the sides and less coming out towards the front. 


If your closet is already completely overstuffed with comforters, shoes, handbags, and too much clothing, then this may not be the solution for you. But if you are short on space and your closet is not being fully utilized, it can be the perfect way to make space for a home office. You can close the closet door when you are not using the office and if the closet is too small to the point where your desk and chair sticks out a little, that is still ok, you can simply put up a curtain that will blend back into your room’s decor while separating your home office from the rest of the room. 

Portable home office

A portable home office can be as simple as a folding table or a small full-size desk on wheels. This is especially handy when you use a laptop as opposed to a desktop. You can also use a chair that you already own like a dining room chair or vanity chair. Then once you are done, the desk can be rolled back into an area where it is out of the way or is used for something else until you are ready to pull it back out. It may not allow you to have embellishments such as table lamps and a vase of flowers, but it will definitely help you to get some office work done even though you do not have a dedicated office space. 


Some basements can seem cold and grungy, and the tiny windows and limited lighting doesn’t improve its air of gloom. But a basement can make a good home office with a few decor adjustments. Firstly, select an area that has ample space away from any clutter or pipes or storage items, then install an area rug that suits your style and taste. Now select and place your desk and chair with your back towards the wall so that you can look outwards towards the door or window. You probably won’t see much of anything, but you won’t feel as couped-up. Select a nice table lamp or plaque, or vase, or whatever makes you happy and have it close by. You can even have a floating shelf where you can add additional tools or embellishments to make the space more comforting and efficient.


Similar to the basement, you will have to select a dedicated space to make your own. Attics tend to have more windows and natural lighting than basements, but can still feel claustrophobic. So it’s up to you to adjust your furniture and incorporate your own flair of decor and aesthetics to make it feel like your own efficient office space. 


If you have a garage but don’t own a vehicle, it’s likely that your garage is being used for storage. All you would be required to do, is organize your storage space and limit it to one side of the garage and adjust the order side to be your office space. However, if you do own a car, a garage home office will require a little more finesse to make it work depending on the size of your garage and the size of your vehicle. A floating office shelf would probably be best. It would need to be the perfect height to allow you and your chair to come and go, and also be wide enough to hold a laptop and possible a mouse or keyboard as well. 

General tip

Aside from finding the space to set up as your home office, you should also take other things into consideration. Ensure that you are installing your desk near an outlet. This is especially important if you are using a desktop and not a laptop. You want to minimize the use of extension wires which can be a trip hazard or just add to the clutter in a small space. On that same note, try to be close to your modem if you use a wired internet connection, or at least be close to your router if you use wifi. Another thing to consider is how to blend into your existing decor. If you do not have the luxury of a spare room, you will most likely be sharing the space of an existing room with existing furniture. Try to purchase office furniture and decor that fits in with the furniture that is already situated in the room. This way your office seems like its a part of the room rather than a random addition. 

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

Get On Up: 11 Tips to Simplify Your Summer Move

Moving from one place to another is never easy, but if you prepare for it well and pack properly, it can lessen the burden. It is reported that most people choose to move in the summer. While the summer heat may make the process even more unbearable, most people move in the summer because it is more ideal in terms of time and availability, especially when children are involved. Summer marks the time between the end of one school year and the beginning of another and if switching schools is necessary, this would be the best time. Also, children are on holiday and can spare more time to help with the packing and preparation.  Here are 11 tips to help with packing for a move in summer.

1. Secure Packing Supplies

Before you even start organizing or packing, you should start sourcing boxes. You can start doing this up to a month before your move. You can source boxes from your supermarkets, liquor stores, and other places that receive items in bulk. They tend to have clean boxes of various sizes and often do not have any reservations in giving them away or saving some for their customers. While you are at it, pick up a few rolls of packing tape, markers, and bubble wrap. 

2. Organize and categorize

Go through your items and make a list of what will be going with you and what will remain behind. This includes everything from furniture and clothing to books and toys. Once you have broken them down into those two categories, go ahead and do a further breakdown into what can be donated or sold and what needs to be discarded.

If possible, you can go ahead with the donation from a month before and put the items that need to be discarded in the trash at that time as well. If you are unable to discard or donate before you start packing, you should create a specific pile for those items so that they do not accidentally get packed up.

3. Put Your Documents Together

During summer when its peak moving season, you want to ensure that everything is easy to find because any mistake or losses during that period can be a pain to recover or replace. Locate and compile all documents such as travel documents, medical documents, school documents, files relating to your new home, and anything thing else that you may need to access before you fully unpack in your new residence. You should also have some cash that you may need for stops along the way or to tip movers if applicable.

4. Reserve Your Moving Company

Many people move in summer, so its best to reserve your moving company early. However, you should do some research and/or get recommendations from families and friends to ensure that you select a company that is most suited for your needs. Check to see if the companies are registered before considering them and find out their payment plans and processes. Some will ask for a deposit when you book while others will ask for full payment.

This is also the perfect time to see which days are cheaper as weekends can sometimes be more expensive than during the week. Also, check their list of services to see if there have any services you can combine or utilize to make the process easier, such as packing and unpacking or the supply of packing equipment. Another thing to pay attention to is their policies including their insurance and the way they handle damages and packaging. Some companies only accept boxed packages and won’t allow the transportation of bags or baskets.

5. Create a Schedule to Disconnect Utilities

Based on your moving date, set a time to schedule disconnection of your electricity, cable, gas, etc. You want to ensure that you are not racking up extra bills to pay after you have left. You can mark off a day on the calendar or set a reminder to call each company to have the service disconnected. If there are any equipment to be returned or picked up, ensure to make a note of that as well and put it into the schedule. 

6. Update Your New Address

If you generally make purchases online or have your physical bank statements sent to your address, you should update these accounts with your new address at least a week before you move. This way, the next bill will go to your new address and if you make a purchase online, it is less likely to be accidentally sent to your old address. This will minimize or eliminate issues with forwarding or returns.

7. Label and Number Your Boxes

It goes without saying that you should label your boxes, but to make things easier, you should be thorough. Label the boxes with the category of items as well as the room that they are packaged from. For instance, you can have “decorations from living room. Box #1”. Also, number each box so that you know exactly how many boxes you should have and which boxes are missing if that should ever occur. Once the boxes are numbered, make a list of the box number as well as its contents. This also makes it an easy reference for unpacking and recovering loss.

8. Acclimate Your New Home

If you have access to the new home or can contact someone to access it the day before you arrive, have the home aired and then have the AC turned on, so that it is nice and cool when you and your family arrive. If this option is not possible, try to turn the AC on as soon as you enter so that it starts cooling down while you get comfortable. 

9. Pack with the Heat in Mind 

Many things do not do well in heat, but will be fine for the trip to your new home. However, electronics or more susceptible to heat damage, so you should ensure that these items are packaged properly and packed in the moving truck last. You should check if you have the original boxes and use those first. If, not, try to use a box that is as similar to the original packaging as possible. When the truck arrives at the new residence, ensure to remove, unpack, and inspect these items first.

10. Consume Your Groceries

Use the last two weeks before you move to utilize groceries that were already bought. Try not to buy new groceries unless they are products that can be used up within a day or two. If there are things that cannot be packaged for the trip and you can’t use them up by yourself, you can maybe host a moving party and cook for friends or neighbors to utilize them more quickly, or give them away if that is an option.

11. Avoid Heatstroke

Last but not least, ensure that you stay hydrated throughout the entire process. Bring water on your journey and take breaks periodically. You should also try to book your mover early in the morning so that you can start moving before the sun is high and extremely hot.

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

9 Tips to Keep Your Stored Rugs and Carpet Looking Their Best

Rugs and carpets enhance the aesthetics of any room and bring a warm and inviting touch to the place. However, like other home décor items, experimenting with rugs and carpets transforms the ambiance of the room. You might want to replace your oriental rug with a vibrant piece to give a fresh look to the place. That’s an amazing idea, but the question is what you would do with the old carpet or rug. The best solution is to store the old carpet or rug. 

Rugs and carpets enhance the aesthetics of any room and bring a warm and inviting touch to the place. Like other home décor items, experimenting with rugs and carpets transforms the ambiance of the room. You might want to replace your oriental rug with a vibrant piece to give a fresh look to the place. That’s an amazing idea, but the question is what you would do with the old carpet one? The best solution is to prepare it for storage and store it properly to keep you rug looking its best for when you’re ready to use it again. 

If you want to know the important steps for effective storage, you are in the right place. Here are some tips for storing rugs and carpets safely so you can use them in the future.

Prep for Cleaning

First and foremost, clean the rug or carpet thoroughly before putting it in the storage. Find an outdoor area, perhaps in your driveway or ideally, a car wash nearby, to do the cleaning. You may want to pick up a cheap sweeper and if you have one, a portal vacuum cleaner, before you start.  

The Right Way to Clean Different Fabrics

Analyze the fabric to choose the right way to clean the rugs and carpets. The label also includes cleaning tips, so follow those if they are mentioned. There are a number of recommended steps to clean, wash and vacuum rugs and carpets.   

After vacuuming, proceed with the other cleaning steps. If it’s a synthetic material, you can wash it in a machine or clean it with a steam cleaner. Carpets and rugs made of natural fiber like wool, and hemp, etc. should be cleaned with carpet shampoo cleaners and a sponge.

Clean fur and sheepskin rugs without water, just put some talcum powder on the entire surface and leave it for some hours. Then brush off the powder and repeat this cleaning process if necessary.

Wool and Plastic Don’t Mix

A wool rug should never be stored wrapped in plastic or in a plastic container. In fact, keeping wool and plastics away from each other is always a good idea. Because wool’s naturally very moist — and resistant to flame because of this quality — wrapping it in plastic would cut off its natural air circulation. The rug’s fibers would thus become damp and decompose.  

Roll It

Whether it has monetary or nostalgic value, you want to ensure your rug or carpet doesn’t become unusable in storage. So, here is another tip that helps you keep them safe. Folding the rugs or carpets can cause creases and wrinkles on the fabric. If you have visited carpet showrooms, rugs are always kept rolled up. That’s the professional way to keep them in top shape.

Always roll the rugs to preserve them in good condition. There is also a tried-and-true method to roll the rug, which is to start rolling it from the bottom. You might be unsure about how to determine which side is the bottom side. Here is the solution: 

  • Run your hand on the fiber and see which direction is with the grain and which is against the grain. 
  • Start rolling from the side, which is with the grain as that’s the bottom part and continue to the other side. 
  • When you are done, secure the roll with a tight rope to prevent it from opening.

Wrap It

Rolling the carpet is the first step, but to prevent it from exposure to unwanted elements, wrapping it up is a must  Remember, your goal is to protect the rug/carpet in the best way when storing it to be able to use it again someday. So, it’s recommended to wrap it in a brown kraft paper, which should be big enough to wrap around the roll two times. After wrapping it, put a tape to keep the paper in place. To further secure it, wrap the rolled carpet/rug in a polyethylene bag and put tape again. Don’t ever use a plastic sheet to cover the rug or carpet, since it restricts breathing of the fiber.

Standing, Not Lying

The carpet’s fibers are something you want to consider when placing it in storage. The position of storing the carpet or rug really matters, so never keep a rolled carpet or rug in a lying position. Always keep the roll standing and store it off the ground if possible as an extra precaution. You can use a wooden pallet to keep the carpet or rug at least six inches above from the floor. Otherwise, if you have a table or shelf, put it on that to keep it away from the floor. 

Don’t Put Stuff on Top

Never stack anything on top of a stored rug. Heavy boxes, bags, cartons, and other stuff can affect the shape of the rug/carpet.

Where to Store It?

The most important thing is to keep the carpet/rug away from direct light as it can fade its colors. Wherever you decide to store, it’s essential to make sure that it’s a dark and well-ventilated place — a clean self-storage unit is the best choice. Generally, storing carpets/rugs in a climate-controlled storage area is a must to preserve their look and feel. Garages, attics, basements and plastic storage containers are stuffy and less than suitable places for storage. If you opt to go with a garage or basement, a  dehumidifier will help keep the temperature conditions just right. Don’t forget to shutter or cover the windows to prevent sunlight exposure. 

Check It Regularly

It is best to check your rug/carpet once every 6 months. However, if the carpet/rug is especially valuable, check it every month to make sure it’s in good condition. It’s suggested that you unroll and vacuum the carpet/rug to get rid of any dust particles. Then, wrap the roll again and put it back in standing position, and you are done.

Put these tips to use when you have to store a carpet or rug and you’ll find that it will emerge in the same shape that you first put it in storage. While the cleaning and maintenance requirements are different among the types of rug or carpet — for example, Oriental rugs and sheepskin rugs require completely different care — there are some basic cleaning steps that should be followed. If you’re unsure you can get it done, always consult multiple expert sources.

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

9 Ways to Help Your Friends with a Big Move

Relocating is a significant event in an individual’s life. When it comes to moving, the vast majority of us need assistance from our friends and family. They are an intrinsic part of our lives.

Helping a friend or a family member isn’t that hard. We’re all occupied with something or the other, however, we can make an attempt to assist them with little and specific tasks which shows them exactly the amount of love we have towards them. Here are some ways through which a friend or a family can make relocating easy for their loved ones.

1. Gathering information

The principle phase of moving is finding a place to live. This requires a lot of time and effort. The first and foremost thing you should do is to prioritize your wants. Some people might be looking for a backyard in front of their house while others might be looking for a pool or a tennis court.

Our family and friends are just a call away. We don’t have to give second thoughts before calling them. They are supportive when it comes to moving. At first, they might feel sad that you are moving but eventually, they will understand and provide you with a lot of information regarding the place you are planning to live.

During this period, sometimes we get so much engrossed in finding places that we might miss out getting suggestions from the children because they are the ones who get the most affected. Another thing that you can do is to take them along with you whenever you go out looking for an apartment of a house so that they can provide some input.

2. Help you label your stuff

When it comes to moving, you can never have enough boxes and sometimes just for the sake of packing, people end up shuffling things in a box. To make things go easy, friends and family can help you label your stuff. This will make it easy for you to unpack your stuff as soon as you reach your new place.

Another advantage of labelling boxes is that you won’t have to unpack everything at the same place. Doing this you would create a mess at your new place. This is something that can be eliminated. For instance, all the boxes that should be opened in the kitchen and in this way, you will be able to unpack everything without much burden.

3. Host a goodbye party

Hosting a goodbye party can be an incredible way of marking an end to the incredible phase that you spent with your friends and family before moving to a new place. This gathering with your loved ones will allow you to have work with all of them one last time collectively. You can address all those who are present at the party. You can just expect the party to be full of fun. There will be some sadness and tears as well.

4. Help them get rid of clutter

Hardly any hectic task isn’t made better with the addition of a buddy. This is the ultimate advantage that an individual can get while they are packing their stuff before moving. We can’t call packing a fun task. It becomes difficult to decide where to start from but if you have your family and friends by your side, then things can be made a little easier and packing would no longer be a hectic and boring task. The first thing to get rid of the clutter should be to decide whether you want particular stuff at your new place.

5. Be in regular touch

Just the physical presence can bring a lot of change. Your friend who is moving might have a decision framework that they would like to follow they also might prefer doing it alone and be fine doing it, however, that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t love to have somebody to spend time with while they complete everything.

If your friend won’t mind a bit of distraction, then you can ask if you can come by and just sit and talk with them while they work. It will make things easy for them as they will be able to do work at a fast pace and at the same time, you and your friend can spend time with each other.

6. Gift them things that they might need at their new place

Few things need to be replaced with the old ones once you are relocating. You can also gift your loved ones some gifts that might be useful to them at their new place. In this way, you can show your love and care towards them as the gift will always be close to their heart. Anything like grocery, decorative material that they are looking for their new home can be given. Another advantage of gifting such things is that they won’t have to spend extra money.

7. Bring them food

It might be difficult to cook food at the time of packing stuff in boxes and after relocating. Before relocating, some ready-made meals should be kept in the freezer. Even after relocating, getting the meals on the dining table would be hard so a friend or any family member could make dinner and bring that over to the place. Instead of the glass plates, disposable glasses and plates should be used so that they won’t have to wash them again and again.

8. Extend a sympathetic ear towards your friend

Your friend will positively have a lot of misgivings and stresses, desires and expectations regarding the approaching relocation. Tell your friend that you’re going to miss them and their relocation won’t affect their relationship and won’t cut off your unique bond. Make all such efforts to ease their anxiety. Ask them to keep some time for themselves and you should make sure that you are making the best use of this time. Family and friends provide as much support to their loved one who is planning to relocate.

9. Look for a well-established moving company for your friends to hire

Helping a friend or family member move away may appear to be a lot harder than it seems but if everything will be well organized beforehand, then such things can be carried out easily.

There are a couple of things that can be considered before choosing a moving company:

  • Read moving reviews, surveys online, surf moving websites and compare how much they charge.
  • Make sure that the moving company is trustworthy.
  • Allow your social network to give you suggestions or recommendations.
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

All Well Kept: 11 Practical Ideas to Store Bedding

Blankets, quilts and duvets are key items for comfortable living, but they also very seasonal. You don’t need a heavy wool blanket in the summer, just like a light duvet won’t get you much comfort in the winter. Storing your bedding effectively or swapping out blankets may take some effort, but it shouldn’t require buying additional storage bins or furniture. Using items you’re likely to have around the house already, all it takes is initiative and some creativity.

Since every abode is arranged differently, there is no one formula for organization and storage. However, some ideas are universal and can apply to any size apartment or house. So, if you are looking for some ideas to store your blankets and other bedding, then take some inspiration from these hacks.

man makes bed

Baskets should be used to store and separate your linen

This is the first and foremost idea that arises in an individual’s mind when they think about storing their bedding. One needs to be aware of the ways of keeping your linens. There are a couple of factors that should be kept in mind. For instance, just for the sake of storing people sometimes keep their linen in baskets randomly and later on, they forget which linens are stored in which basket. This can be avoided by marking your baskets as per your requirements.

Another advantage of using baskets to store your linens is that they can be easily moved from room to room when it’s time to change the bedding.

Store quilts in pillowcases

This hack doesn’t require any additional product from outside your home. It helps in organizing your bedsheets effectively and efficiently. It is a practical way to store the bed sheet that needs to be put on the bed every other day.

Not just a single bed sheet but a couple of bed sheets can be contained inside a pillowcase. This is an easy way to keep more things in a single place. To make things simpler, a label can be put on to differentiate between the occasions on which it should be needed.

If you own a shallow cabinet, then the sheets that are often used should be handy and the sheets that are not required much can go on the end.

Under the bed storage boxes

DIY hack- you can make the under-the-bed drawers in case you feel that linen closets don’t fit in your budget.

You’ll never need to recall which basket or box you put away your quilt. By storing it under the bed drawer, it also becomes handy and even children will find it easy to take their favorite quilts without the help of parents.

guest room with bed made

Keep your bedding closet fresh

Nothing can destroy your bedding, quilts and blankets faster than moths. To protect your linen closet from moths, you need to keep it fresh. Before storing your linen, you should wash them and let them dry under the sun. One thing that needs to be ensured is that the linens are clean and dry. Even if you find that the quilts are drenched, don’t go on storing it. There are a couple of methods that can be considered.

• Hang lavender sachets in the bedding closet so that they can keep up the delicate, simply wash smell.

• Apart from lavender sachets, baking soda can be put in your linen closet to assimilate terrible smells.

Store in a dark and dry place

Bedding closet is an ideal place to store your bedding but in case you feel that they may cost you an arm and a leg, then you can simply make use of the dark and dry place at your home and keep your linens safe.

If you think that only a few people can take care of their linens, the easy answer to this is no. If you handle your linens with care, then you can also be an expert. It is also suggested to iron the white bedsheets from both sides before storing them.

Protect your bedding from dust

An ultimate way to protect your linens from catching dust is to keep them in a fabric-friendly bag. Before putting any linen in a bag, you need to ensure that the linen is clean and dry. Even if you find your washed linens damp, do not go on storing it.

It is considered a good practice to keep the bedsheets, quilts and blankets in a dry and dark place to avoid the risk of catching dust.

cabin with made bed

On the wall or over the door hanging organizers

On the wall or over the door hanging organizers is the easiest way to store the bed sheets or linens that are often used every day. One thing that should be ensured is that the bed sheets or linens that you require every day should be kept in front of your eyes.

Avoid plastic

Although plastic is advantageous in our everyday use, it is creating a disturbing risk to nature. It is a non-biodegradable substance that cannot be decayed by any means. To protect our earth from such risks, the responsibility lies in the hands of each one of us.

While you are planning to store your linens, you should eliminate the use of plastic bags. There are many alternatives that can replace plastic.

Zipper bags

To avoid plastic, zipper bags can be made easily at home. There is a simple DIY method which you can do and make a bag out of it. You just have to find those clothes that you do not wear anymore and with the help of a sewing machine, you can stitch a bag and can attach a zipper to it. In this way, you will be able to make a zipper bag in which you cannot just keep a single bed sheet but it can hold a lot of bed sheets and quilts.

pink bedding

Roll the quilts if falling short of space

An extraordinary space-saving approach for storing your bedsheets, quilts and blankets is to roll them. This proves to be useful especially with shallow racks.

Try to organize your linens by category

When you have your bedsheets, quilts and blankets arranged and sorted out, you can keep it into various baskets and categorize them by labelling. There are quite a few ways through which you can organize your linens by categories. For instance, you can categorize your linens based on color, size or even occasion. In this way, you won’t face any sort of problem when you will be looking for bed sheets for a specific occasion.

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.

Tips On How To Make Your Loved Ones Feel Comfortable While Caring For Them in Your Home

Parents play an important role in shaping our lives. They have worked hard just to make us what we are today. Caring for parents should be the topmost priority of a child. These days, it’s evident that people are engrossed so much in their work that they do not find enough time to spend with their parents. As a result of which, they employ caretakers for their parents. They will take proper care of them but there will always be a lack of love, care, affection.

Some people are taking care of their parents, grandparents or even sometimes their elderly relatives. They might sometimes find it difficult to do this task. It can also become a challenging task but it’s an individual who can make things easy go. Along with looking after the elderly people, there are few things that you as a caretaker should keep in mind. Just like you are finding it difficult, in the same way, your parents or grandparents may also find it onerous to depend upon their children or grandchildren. Even if we are not doing it today, then at some point in our life we will.

If some elderly person is living with you, then there is a need to prepare or sometimes rearrange your home to make them comfortable. Along with the tips for what is to be done, some other things are there that should not be done.

To make the elderly people fit at home, here are a few things to keep in mind.

elderly woman sitting

Strap chairs with high backs

Backless dining chair having sharp edges can be replaced with strapping chairs with high backs. Problems like backache start to arise with growing age. If the chairs that you are having are not elder-proof then you should replace at least a couple of chairs with high backs so that it will become easy for the elderly people to sit and enjoy food.

Another thing that you should keep in mind while replacing the furniture should be that the size of the furniture should be according to the size of the person who will be using them in future. It is suggested that you should take your parents or grandparents along with you while you are planning to buy the furniture.

Some people find it difficult to get in and out of their sitting position. For such cases, lift chairs are suggested.

elderly hands holding book

Comfortable chairs for reading

We surely have seen our parents or grandparents reading newspapers every day in the morning. They might also suffer from backaches. It’s is suggested that they should read while sitting at a comfortable place, as a result of which, arm-less, backless and low chairs should be avoided. Going for chairs with high backs will make it easy for elderly people to get in and out.

For people suffering from severe backache, joint pain, comfortable high back chairs should be recommended.  

elderly man pointing to laptop laughing

The ultimate solution for storage

Backaches, joint pains are the most common problems that elderly people suffer from. Storage should be at a reachable height. Storage drawers below the bed should be replaced with cabinets or almirah having shelves wherein things can be kept easily. If the storage drawers are built below the bed, then elderly people will find it difficult to bend down and it will involve a lot of stretching.

When you are planning to buy a cabinet, you should keep a couple of things in mind:

  1. The handles of the drawers of the cabinet should be of bright color and easy to slide.
  2. The almirahs should be see-through doors which will enable the elders to spend less time to find things that they need.
  3. The storage closet should be made of sturdy material so that it does not tip over.
hands cradling image of elderly couple in sphere

The bed should be comfortable

Backaches and joint pains are common among elderly people. As a result of which, they might find it difficult to sleep. A good mattress will aid with the alignment of the spine and may sometimes reduce the backaches and joint problems they are facing.

Before going to buy a mattress, you should consider the priorities of the elderly people for whom you are buying the mattress. Apart from the mattress, the back of the bed should be comfortable so that they can support their back with it.

Apart from the things that children should consider while providing a comfortable environment, they should also focus on the things that should not be done and avoided.

woman accompanying elderly on walk

Lighting should not dim

Apart from the joint pain, weak vision is another such problem that is prevalent among elderly people. If the room, kitchen and drawing room will be well lit then there should not be any problem with finding things. A lamp can also be placed on the side table which should be kept next to the bed. It will be easier for elderly people to move in and out of bed at any point in time.

white haired man sitting in wheelchair by bed

Get rid of slippery floors

You should get rid of slippery floors because you may sometimes slip while walking. Even at night when they will feel thirsty and they need to go to the kitchen, but if the floor will be slippery then they will fall and might hurt themselves.

Or else, even if you are in a hurry and moving around the house you may fall due to the floor being slippery. So, such floor tiles should be avoided.

Edgy tables should not be on your priority list

While sitting in or getting up from the chair, elderly people may hurt themselves. When older people get hurt they can feel the pain at a much bigger magnitude as compared to the younger people.

As a result of which, edgy tables should be replaced with the round ones.

The rooms should not be filled with extra furniture

All the extra furniture from the room should be removed so that it will be easy for elderly people to move around the house with no troubles. Only the necessary furniture should be placed in the room.

These were the factors that need to be taken into consideration. By rearranging the furniture and other things at your place, the ultimate goal is to create a safe and cozy environment for your loved ones. You should understand that they are at an age when they need care and love. Another thing that we need to keep in mind is that just like the way they used to look after and care for us, they deserve the same care to be reciprocated.

Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States
Armor Storage | 517 E. Industrial Blvd. Pueblo West, Colorado 81007 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Armor Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://armor-storage.com/.