How To Get Clutter Moved Out Of Your Home
Spring cleaning or summer moving, the task of de-cluttering or packing is dreadful (yet worthwhile) when done right. Planning, timing and organizing helps stay focused.
Plan Your Move
Sometimes just starting the process is challenging. Where to begin cleaning? Which closet should I start organizing? Which items can I start packing before my official moving date? These questions can be overwhelming and easily result in procrastination. What should you do? The answer is simple: start small!
Small Spaces Are Easier To Clean
Tackling a smaller space or a simpler closet as the first goal keeps the stress more manageable. Mentally note that it’s a smaller (or an easier) area and remind yourself that it won’t take as much time. Best part about it is, once you’re done, you are going to feel the positive effects of de-cluttering (Read Why Decluttering Is Good For Your Health) and will want to continue the momentum.
Set Aside Time Just For Packing
Often times, even with the best of intentions, multitasking ends up being less productive. With daily demands of family, home and work, we are already stretched for time. Adding a home move to that juggle can amount to high levels of anxiety. Additionally, studies have shown that multitasking can cause us to get more tired which is counterproductive to your plan of staying focused and motivated to get through that long packing list. Read more about why Neuroscientists Say Multitasking Literally Drains The Energy Reserves Of Your Brain.
Multitasking Drains Productivity
It’s important to commit some time to packing or cleaning. As with other areas of your life, give yourself a realistic time limit to accomplish the goal. If it’s a small drawer you are trying to empty or organize, maybe schedule an hour of uninterrupted time to go through it instead of taking a few minutes here and there between phone calls or appointments. If it’s an entire closet, chances are you will need half a day to a full day. So, maybe Grandma and Grandpa can spend some quality time with the kids on Saturday!
Organize Your Space
The whole idea of spring cleaning is to freshen up your space by de-cluttering and well…cleaning! Which means: actually clean out your space by removing unnecessary items. Simply shifting items from one place to another without deciding on its need in your home is another form of procrastination. For instance, if you’re packing for a move, think how much time and energy you will save by getting rid of these extra items before you move into your new home. The laborious task of packing and moving items from your old to new place is undoubtedly tiring mentally and physically. By not adding unwanted extras to your boxes will, at the least, save you some time even when it’s time to unpack.
Organizing can help make your daily routine run smoother. Knowing exactly where something is, having a safe spot for those cherished items you use occasionally and maximizing your living space (think impromptu dance moves or laughs over dinner with friends) makes living your life so much easier and more fun!
Moving homes or cleaning is not fun (not for most right?). But, managing it by planning, scheduling uninterrupted time and organizing will get you through it. Most importantly, remember that it will get done!
For more options on how to maximize your space, read about storage units in Pueblo West, Colorado.