It’s that time of year once again, where friends and loved ones are gathered around counting down the seconds to start their New Year!
You know what they say! Every New Year comes with new resolutions and what better way than to start a new year than to be organized! But before we get started, it’s also imperative to start the new years with honesty. So, let’s be honest for a second. Most people, myself included, do a pretty lousy job of sticking to our new year’s resolutions. But that’s not going to stop me or many others from trying! Being more organized overall can help you achieve the most popular resolutions of losing weight, staying fit and enjoying life to the fullest! So for starters, let’s begin with organizing our self-storage units! Here are some self-storage organization tips you can do right off the bat!
Like many of us, we’ve either collected or acquired quite a few things over the past year and that’s completely understandable and relatable. Some stuff may be sentimental, useful, not useful or just plain junk, but to us, they’re all essential. Now as cliché as this may sound, we must control our beautiful junk rather than letting it control us.
When life happens, usually messes happen as well. This is typically the case because there just isn’t ever enough time to get everything organized. Well, you’re in luck! A storage unit can help you by providing a place for all your beautiful junk. One of the main issues when it comes to organization is having too much stuff lying around with too little space. So say bye-bye to your junk piles that you have to throw your body against in order to close. It’s about that time to send all that stuff that you’re “probably going to use again” into a storage unit where it can at least stay out of your way. So how do you decide which stuff gets stored in a storage unit? Here are some suggestions.
Go through each and every room in your home. Stop in any of the rooms and ask yourself what items are in this room that’s taking up space. There’s absolutely no reason for random stuff to be taking up valuable space in your home. Now, what exactly do I mean when I say “value”? What I mean by value is whether or not the item provides any usefulness. For example, if a toy elephant is placed on top of a drawer for decoration purposes or it holds sentimental value. Then by all means that toy elephant is valuable to your household. What would deem invaluable would be a stuffed animal that you placed on top of a drawer because you haven’t figured out where to put it. Items like these whether their toys, paintings, tools or etc. are perfect examples that are taking up valuable space in your home that offer no value. Now that you figured out what and what not to keep in your household, how does that help you become more organized?

That’s where Armor Storage in Pueblo West, Colorado comes in! So if you’re ready to declutter your life in 2018! It’s important to think about whether or not the storage facility fits your needs. Here at Armor Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your needs. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at